Winding Road at the ReStore

The ReStore recently hosted Ted Spencer from Winding Road Sales in Wapakoneta. Ted is a frequent ReStore shopper who happens to upcycle many of his purchases into items for sale in his shop. His talents were on display Saturday as he upcycled several items from our stock. The feature item was a hotel dresser that was donated by the Travelodge of Lima.

Ted painted the item using paint from the ReStore mixed with a chalk paint additive that provides a soft matte finish that is great for distressing or covering upcycle projects. He gave the paint on the dresser project a distressed finish that added a lot of character to the piece.

The top of the dresser was re-finished with a collage of maps covered with a lacquer finish. The maps were from the Restore out of the free bin!

Ted also re-finished a mirror using ReStore paint with the chalk paint additive. Ted carries the chalk paint at Winding Road Sales.  At the shop you can buy pieces that Ted has upcycled, or you can take classes in upcycling and let Ted guide you in your own upcycling project. Then, come visit the ReStore pick up a bargain treasure that you can transform yourself!